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The series of quests that form the plotline in Monster Ambassador: Redux. Spoilers below.

Game Start[]

The player's general task is to befriend the various monster species in the area. You begin by searching the open locations on your map- the Forest and the Marsh.

The First Ritual[]

The first segment of the main quest begins when you encounter a Cervan in the forest. The deer-centaur has a skull mask and speaks in a garbled tongue, and its very presence makes you nauseous. You report what you've found back to the Overseer, who instructs you investigate the Cervans.

After encountering Cervans twice more in the Forest, you are able to track a Cervan back to their overgrown temple deep in the woods. You manage to slip past the guards and get inside, and witness a monstrous black ooze being summoned by a chanted ritual. The ooze consumes one of the Cervans in the circle of runes, and you flee to once again report your findings.

The Search for Answers[]

A few days after bringing back news of the Cervan temple the Overseer summons you for another task; the Corvals may have documents at their Observatory about the Cervan ritual. The observatory is marked on your map. The player must have befriended the Corvals and Slimes to trigger this section of the quest.

At the mountaintop research station you are met by the male Corval ambassador. He shows you the scroll relating to the ritual, but the writing is too aged to make out. Instead, you must find the original- an ancient mural residing deep in the mountain tunnels. The Caves are marked on your map by the ambassador.

In the caves, you eventually stumble upon the mural behind an Alraune. After convincing her to let you by, she also marks your location on your map so you may return. You bring the information back to the Overseer, who instructs you to wait once again while the mural is studied.

Into the Depths[]

A few more days pass before the Overseer has more news for you; the Corvals and the embassy have studied the murals, and believe that a second sect must exist to complete the Cervan's ritual. The player must have befriended the Lyinx to trigger this section of the quest.

The Overseer wants to track down the species in the mural. He believes one are the Jakuari, and sends the Lyinx to find them. He believes the other to be merfolk, and marks the Beach on your map to find them.

On the beach you encounter two Iguna pirates who take you back to their captain on their ship. After winning over all three, the captain agrees to take you out to sea and into the ocean depths to look for the merfolk. One at a time they go down with you, where you are confronted by horrifying creatures that resemble merfolk but have no sentience. The pirates take you back to shore, confused and unnerved.

You report back to the Overseer. He determines that the Sirens you encountered can not be the second sect without intelligence. The Lyinx have not yet returned, so you return to your regular work.

Dual Objectives[]

A few days later, one of the Iguna pirates arrives at the embassy, and the Lyinx return from their quest. The quests they give can be completed in any order.

The Twin Temple[]

The Lyinx had no luck getting to the Jakuari's lands due to the heat of the Rainforest. You quest in their stead, and discover a temple identical to the one used by the Cervans in their ritual. The Jakuari there reveals that after half of their ancient tribe took part in the ritual, their ancestors killed them all to stop the summoning of the darkness. The temple was abandoned shortly after, and the Cervans had simply taken up residence.

The Jakuari are not the second sect, and your quest continues.

Back to the Sea[]

The Iguna pirates have a lead on where actual Merfolk may be living. You sail with them to an island, where you find a mermaid; she explains the history of the sirens. When the original ritual was performed in ages past, the merfolk who participated were driven out after the spell was disrupted. They mutated shortly after, become animalistic creatures with little sentience.

Convinced by the mermaid, you realize the merfolk are also innocent of the current-day threat.

The Overseer is concerned by this news, as your only leads on the second sect have been lost. They weren't either of the species that performed the ritual the first time, and now you have no basis on where to look. He returns to his research and management of the embassy, while you return to your job once more.

The Second Sect[]

The player must have completed the Lamia Quest (by finding the Lamia Temple in the Forest), and befriended 15 monster species, including the Imps and Taurals to trigger this section of the quest.

The Overseer gives you directions to the Twisted Lands, where reports of monsters wearing skulls have surfaced. After battling the Lich enough times to befriend their species, a member of their tribe finds you in the Twisted Lands. He encourages you to stop making baseless accusations at the Lich, and instead investigate a species called the Drach. A separate spot is unlocked on your map.

You find the location marked by the Lich, and confront the Drach guard who emanates the same darkness that the Cervans did. You engage him in battle, and are easily defeated.

You wake up at the embassy, having been rescued by the Lich, and report what you've found to the Overseer and Piper. The embassy readies for a battle.

The Final Battle[]

Elita arrives at the Embassy, desperate to bring the Lamia stone back to her people. You discover in your bag that the Lamia stone is missing. An investigation takes place to determine the culprit.

The next morning, the Lamia Queen arrives to discover that Elita has fled towards the Twisted Lands. You pursue her with the Queen, and after catching up with her proceed with the rest of the Embassy into battle with the Drach.
